It gives us great pleasure to announce that our beloved Natalie Bennett has received a thoroughly deserved, long overdue promotion to the post of Operations Director.

Nat is considerably Bespoke's longest serving (and suffering some may say!) member of staff and has been a leading member of a successful team ever since her arrival many moons ago. Until now, she has fulfilled the role of Company Secretary and on many occasion, has been the glue that has held our company together. Even with no experience within the Construction Industry prior to her arrival, nothing has fazed her and she has continually launched herself in to the unknown. Her ability to learn along the way, as well as her unrivalled drive and commitment, has made her the fountain of knowledge that she is today.

Her new role, one of fundamental importance, will see her put her hand to even more new and challenging scenarios in just about every aspect of our business. As Operations Director, she will also be managing the day to day activities and needs of our ever evolving business.
Congratulations to Nat!!